Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 171,460,618 Issue: 396 | 12th day of Relaxing, Y11
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Commonly Thought Untrue Neopian Stereotypes

by mirrorhelenalevi


In my time in Neopia, I’ve often noticed pets who’d gone out to get food, or take a walk, or some daily chore that grumble angrily about something. Some of them, according to my blue Flotsam, get bullied in Neoschool and become the main target in food fights at lunch. These pets are usually mutants, Sloth minions, zombies, Halloween, Christmas, and Tyrannian, among many, many others. Why are these pets so angry, upset and often bullied?

Commonly made untrue Neopian stereotypes.

I know what you’re thinking. ‘Stereotypes? What? Aren’t they characteristics?’ No. Mutants are not mindless wreckers of havoc and zombies are not flesh-eating idiots. I’ll tell you what they usually REALLY are.

Mutants and Sloth Minions:

Mutants and Pets that work for Sloth are often thought of as brainless, disobedient pets that only want to get Neopia destroyed. Well, my Mutant Kiko on my side account, who, by the way, is a Sloth Minion, is intelligent, obedient (for the most part) and mostly only works for Sloth to watch him mess up and lose again and again.

A stereotype that hits Mutants specifically is that they don’t care about hygiene (this stereotype exists for zombies too). My mutant Kiko, as well as mutants we meet on the street, are actually pretty clean (same with zombies).

A Sloth Minion stereotype is that minions are all mutants. That’s not true- my blue Flotsam and yellow Aisha are minions, and obviously aren’t mutants. Other people believe Sloth minions are all mutant Grundos- again, not true.

Seasonal pets:

Seasonal pets (Halloween or Christmas) that I meet on the street vary from just not minding the holiday they represent to hating it. Now, most people believe seasonal pets love the holiday they represent- so why wouldn’t they like it? Well, representing a holiday means you celebrate it all year long, and it probably gets horribly boring after a while and the cheer and joy that used to come with it just leaves.

Zombie, Grey and Red pets:

What I noticed among Grey and Red pets is that the actual personalities are completely reversed from what’s thought. Grey pets, in reality, are all-too-often aggressive and angry, while the Red pets are the sad ones. Grey pets actually love sunshine- Red pets don’t care about the weather.

Zombies and Grey pets actually don’t like the darkness. For zombies, it reminds them of their tombs they get horribly bored and lonely in and for grey pets, it’s because they can’t see a darned thing. Their weather preferences are completely different- while they hate darkness, zombie pets enjoy the rain, saying that though they can’t feel the coolness, they find the wetness comforting for their dry skin. And, as I mentioned before, Grey pets actually like the sun.

I’d continue on about my earlier statement that zombies do NOT like to eat flesh, but that would take up this entire article because a) Zombies actually tend to be vegetarians or not eat at all and b) I like zombies.

World pets:

Tyrannian pets are often insulted when people try to talk to them in ‘their language’ of grunts and moans. Tyrannian pets speak English, French, whatever language you teach them. So, if your pet just happens to have just come back from school with a bad bruise on their face, that may be because they unknowingly insulted a Tyrannian pet.

Maraquan pets are often thought to be fond of water- it actually tends to be that many Maraquan pets fear water because they don’t know if they could really breathe, but then after they get over that fear, they fear they can’t leave the water.

Royal and Faerie pets:

Royals are often thought to be stuck- up and snobby, but that’s not the case. I’ve seen many royal pets go out with their awesome, 1250000 NP clothes to the Food Store (which we all know is infested with grease from since it opened) and come out- not caring that the bottom of their lovely dress and their expensive shoes are ruined. That, and they can be very friendly- a Royal pet offered to show my yellow Aisha around on her first day of school, and his offer was sincere.

Faeries are usually seen as proud, amazing pets, but they can feel very awkward. Now, pets that have wings as faerie pets or not can control this, like a Korbat or a Pteri, but faerie pets tend to spread their wings and disturb whoever happens to beside them. My blue Flotsam happened to be sitting beside a faerie pet and while she was annoyed with her inability to control her wings spreading, she also felt a bit sorry for her. What made it worse was that the faerie pet was a Flotsam herself- faerie Flotsams can’t control their wings at all and they tend to act as a meter stick that sticks out of their head. No wonder my blue Flotsam had bad grades for not doing her work all month long- she couldn’t even see it!

Baby pets:

Babies are often thought to be well... just like babies. Now, if you’ve seen the high-score table for the pets who’ve read the most books, you’ll find that one of the top pets is a baby. And let’s not forget the baby Bruce handling that ray gun- there’s no way he’d be able to even know what it is if he were just like a baby.

And they don’t like baby food. I saw this one girl try to feed her baby Jetsam baby food and, well... I’m glad her Jetsam was at least mature enough to apologize at the hospital.

Now, I’m not saying all pets are non-stereotypical. Some Royal pets are stuck up and some Grey pets really are sad. But as long as you don’t think all Red pets are the same and all Zombie pets are the same, you’ll see how Neopia is just as diverse as the rest of the universe. Thank you for reading, readers!

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