Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 171,601,943 Issue: 397 | 19th day of Relaxing, Y11
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Caution: May Bite

by beastybas

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Humour In Practice
Not all the athletes are in top shape...

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Flying High: Part Four
A whole army of pirate neopets was attacking the Sweet Fyora! ZoshiDevil was on the ground taking on three giant Skeiths at once...

by bugsypal9


Inflation woes

by picklecheesepie


Braving Brightvale: Part Three
"According to just about everyone in Brightvale, Meridellians are all stupid farmers who are incapable of reading or writing or holding a conversation that doesn't have to do with the latest berry crop!"

by dr0pz

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