Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 173,663,018 Issue: 406 | 21st day of Hiding, Y11
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by dragonstorm_75

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Island's Own: Part One
"You can stop sulking now," said a voice from behind me, "since it's too late to go back anyway."

by laurvail


Sun Shine
As it was, he was standing outside of the NC Mall. He stared in the window with his face scrunched up as he thought.

by bamboo_soda


The (Mis)Adventures of the Defenders of Neopia : #6
'That Snot Funny' - lame puns all round.

by amamamole


Shattered Sunlight: Part Three
A shining metal capsule sped through the sky, smoke trailing from it. In a moment, Vesper registered what it was. "Send warning to the city," he shouted...

by kittengriffin

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