Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 173,432,373 Issue: 405 | 14th day of Hiding, Y11
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by __xyvtahk

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Great stories!


How to Solve Anagrams in The Castle of Eliv Thade
Why seek help when you can do them yourself? Not only is The Castle of Eliv Thade a fun and enjoyable (if creepy) game, it also improves your vocabulary and sharpness of mind!

by pharaohs333


Geraptiku and the Cursed Wave, Part 3
"My name is Wave."

by buizelmaniac


The Ithalyas Chronicles - The Stormbringer #5
In which there is... pizza?

by kattrish


Practically Sisters
"People don't understand. They just want to be better than others. The easiest way to do that is to push others down."

by taraneo96

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