Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 178,230,078 Issue: 407 | 28th day of Hiding, Y11
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Yum! Comiques: Yoris Obbles - Rookie of the Year...

by horseychick89340

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Mutant Graveyard of Doom II Guide
You are Albert, a mutant Kacheek transformed by the Esophagor. If Albert wants to be switched back to normal, he has to fetch some items for the Esophagor first.

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Island's Own: Part Two
Lucan and Ryshu had never fought directly, and it was a vicious debate within the school as to who would win if they did.

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The 'Tok of the Town: "Facing the Music"
Being a proper rock star isn't just about playing your instrument well, oh no...

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Who's a chicken now!?

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