Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 178,230,078 Issue: 407 | 28th day of Hiding, Y11
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The Baby Sitter

by kressie647

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Neovision Insanity
Squishy brain wrap?

Idea by shyn12

by sodapopcat4444


The Life of a Grundo
Most Grundos live at the Space Station or on Kreludor. They might think that life there is boring and go up for adoption.

by ar1684


Loom of Ceiling Land
Things really did look much more interesting, Loom decided, when you were standing on the ceiling.

by kenophobiaa


Mutant Misconceptions
In honour of Mutant Day, I encourage everyone to go out and make a new mutant friend! :)

by enchantmentunknown

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