The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 174,717,659 Issue: 411 | 25th day of Gathering, Y11
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Seeing Spots

by whirlywindy

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Neela's Green Thumb
"Xiao Mei, you have such a beautiful garden!"

by danyata


Island's Own: Part Six
I honestly didn't know what I had expected from this place – a control panel, with a button labeled 'press here to activate island defenses,' or maybe a book called 'How to Repel Invaders from Mystery Island in Five Easy Steps.'

by laurvail


Hunt for the Ray: Part 3
This must be it!

Art by ebily

by frankie8492


Customisation Survivor: Who'll be the Last One?
Well, now there is a fun new game for customization fans; Customization Survivor!

Also by picklecheesepie

by waterglide

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