teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 174,460,927 Issue: 409 | 11th day of Gathering, Y11
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Happy Holidays

by xbunnyfoxx

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One Thousand Neopoints
"It's the home of billions of neopoints. Billions! Can you imagine all of the fun we could have with billions of neopoints?"

by littlemissmarauder


Witches in the Shadows: Part Six
"They'll stop you! They always do!" Maria shouted happily. She couldn't see quite how that was possible, but it seemed to annoy the shadows, so that was enough for her.

by herdygerdy


Extreme Difficulty: Part Two
"Don't," Kim says, kicking open the door, "mess with this family."

by iris220_ll


Zombies: Bitter or Blissful?
Are they... content being zombies?

by anastasiette

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