A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 91,590,388 Issue: 174 | 21st day of Sleeping, Y7
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As Much as a Bori Can Take!

by kudou

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Vegetables: Friend or Foe?
We’ve all heard it before. A steaming plate of food is placed before you, and as you look over the broccoli/carrots/peas, you hear: “make sure you eat all your vegetables.”

by luna_moonsilver


Monotony Wheel
Who never has never gone through this? ô.o

by wizardmoncita


Midwinter War: Part Four
He had to get out of the open field! The Scorchio ran towards the forest, hoping to be safer there. He quickly flew up and sat on a tree branch. As more of those scary pets arrived, Charmond realized he had forgotten his metal shield on the ground...

by shadowcristal


50 New Year's Resoloutions for You
New Year's Resolutions. What should they be this year? Should you try to lose weight once again? Attempt to break your scratchcard addiction? Resolve to finally save up for a paint brush this time, instead of blowing it all on plushies?

by dogzruleyeah330

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