Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 181,710,584 Issue: 415 | 23rd day of Collecting, Y11
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Blackholes, Force Fields and Fire, oh my!

by tgrcheergrl

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Great stories!


Stranded!: Part Three
"I think that we should split up and each go in one direction. We can meet back here at dark."

Also by brookeppg

by matilda_39


Sometimes Superglue Can't Fix Everything
"Tanka, what have you broken this time?" With raised eyebrows my brother Species looks at me from over the edge of his book.

by chaotizitaet


One Altachuck Too Many
So what do you do with all of those gifts from Altador?

by blackgold3


Adorable, I Say
Who could resist that face?

by pestilencexcore

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