White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 181,710,584 Issue: 415 | 23rd day of Collecting, Y11
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Imagine THAT!

by pocopooh

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Avatar Hunt: Jhudora's Quest
"Are you sure you want to help her??? She IS a Dark Faerie!"

by givemeapicklemann


The Halloween Hoax: Part One
"I told Tiffany that we could hold the party at our Neohome this year!" Dandelion announced, grinning from ear to ear.

by jenlin_25


Inheritance: Part Two
Mabelle couldn't believe it. Her best friend was back in her life, at least for the moment!

by shadow_sabre_


One Altachuck Too Many
So what do you do with all of those gifts from Altador?

by blackgold3

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