Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 183,854,947 Issue: 419 | 20th day of Storing, Y11
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Paranormal Patrol: Artistic Differences
Everyone is a critic.

by greenflavouredink


Cloud Raiders for the Aerodynamically Challenged
Your goal is to fly from Faerieland to Terror Mountain. But of course, it's never as simple as it sounds...

by you_are_my_happiness


The Magical Rubber Duck: Part One
"How was I supposed to know that the door would slide shut right after we slipped in?" Blaze retorted, clearly irritated.

by 5qua5h5qua5h


The Sisterhood Of The Travelling Broomsticks: Part Four
"Witchlets stick together, and we can't just let the faeries get attacked, as much as we might not like them..."

by buds_and_authors

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