teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 176,293,108 Issue: 421 | 4th day of Celebrating, Y11
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FTW;; Have you ever...?

by ruby_petal

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Scarlet Shadow: A Scepter Full of Trouble - Part Four
"Do you know how to handle swords?" Skarl asked just as Scarlet was about to leave.

by kathleen_kate


Unis Part 2: Subspecies of Uni
My research continues...

by fictiongirl45


The Magical Rubber Duck: Part Three
"What?!" Carissa rushed over and knelt, looking at her pack. "It can't be! I'm absolutely, positively sure that these were neopoints!"

by 5qua5h5qua5h


Faerie Follies: Fountain
You have a new quest!!!

Also by epode

by ivie_outrage

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