A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 176,293,108 Issue: 421 | 4th day of Celebrating, Y11
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Why Me?

by kittypurry719

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Powdered Sugar (#1)

Idea by x_simpsons_rock_x

by foxity


Inheritance: Part Eight
Her limbs froze again, and she jerked to a stop. A low chuckle came from behind her.

by shadow_sabre_


Faerie Follies: Fountain
You have a new quest!!!

Also by epode

by ivie_outrage


The Warrior Princess
In a flash of white, the slim figure of the Gnorbu emerged from behind the black-robed Ogrin. Before even any move could be made, the master whirled upon her and she dove, missing the sword by a whole hand-width.

by dragonstorm_75

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