For an easier life Circulation: 176,077,302 Issue: 420 | 25th day of Storing, Y11
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Pen vs Sword

by you_are_my_happiness

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The Shadow of Neopia
Kacheek Seek was beginning. I had to find somewhere to hide! I'm the best, you know. At hiding.

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Test Your Patience
I'm pretty sure you'd successfully test your strength by picking up the Turmaculus... Lol.

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The Sisterhood Of The Travelling Broomsticks: Part Five
"Do you see why we don't trust witches?" one of the faeries asked kindly...

by buds_and_authors


The Turkey Day Adventure
The silly Acara had forgotten to put food in his bowl again. With an irritated chirp, the gobbler began to peck at one of her shoestrings.

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