teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 188,131,375 Issue: 425 | 8th day of Sleeping, Y12
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Recipe for Disaster

by prismfire

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Family Fun Fridays Not So Much Fun
"Have any of you guys seen my purse?" she asked as she threw all the pillows off the couch.

by kittybutterscotch


The Top Ten Y11 Advent Calendar Items
Let's count down the Top 10 Advent Calendar items from Y11!

by alt1981black


Brightvale History: The Two Kings - Part Eleven
"Brightvale is a political tinderbox. Everything has to be able to be moved easily, or else we'd never get anything done."

by nimras23


Sands of Time: The Beginning - Part One
With each step she took, Jehea was reminded that she must not falter; her brother's life was at stake.

by lovesdogsago

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