Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 176,968,344 Issue: 424 | 31st day of Celebrating, Y11
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In the Name of Science

by lombre

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How to Out-Duel on the Decks
Learn how to get the highest of scores in Neopia's new favourite card game!

by foxo11


The Greatest Treasure of All
Reluctantly, you pick up your pace to keep up with your eager neopet, who is darting ahead of you with immaculate speed - towards the Snowager.

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by krystak47


Mirror, Mirror!: Part Two
"But you aren't happy now, are you?"

Startled, she looked up. Her reflection bore her own face, but it smiled in contrast to the fear on her own features.

by shelbymcb85


Spyders Can't Fly
Wait... what?

by shoyru_lover713

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