The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 177,388,757 Issue: 427 | 22nd day of Sleeping, Y12
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Faellie Frenzy: The Cupcake Costume

by puter809

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OBVE: Cheikz's Experience
I didn't know the Lever of Doom hand could stretch that long.

by bluerang1


True Friendship
Like usual, Lora woke up and got ready for Neoschool. On the way, like usual she walked along with Sarah, a Royal Usul. They had been best friends ever since Sarah had moved from Shenkuu.

by rider_galbatorix


Neopian Antics #5: What happens in the Magma Pool...

by ahqua


Jelly World - For the Last Time!!!
Dear readers, I am about to prove beyond a doubt that Jelly World could not possibly exist.

by writingkid

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