Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 177,649,478 Issue: 429 | 5th day of Awakening, Y12
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Jhudora vs. ?

by scinnychan

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Gosh My Oh~ Plushie Grundo Launcher
This explains so much.

by demiblood


Lani and the Beast: Part Two
Lani slowly slipped out of bed, so as not to wake Minnie, and walked over to the window. The back yard didn't seem scary at all in the dazzling morning light...

by selenial


Shadows of Light, a Faerieland Legend
It is impossible to create harmony if everyone sings the same note...

by dragon10044


True to Yourself
A JubJub finds his place, while I now clean out my Cybunny's closet!

by xblkroses4everx

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