Meow Circulation: 181,174,633 Issue: 433 | 5th day of Running, Y12
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Judging Covers

by greenflavouredink

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Eisian and the Amulet of Thilg: Part Five
Where was the light? Would she have time to figure out the last task? Was she even on the right trail?

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Seeing that there was no other option for me to catch the thief, I threw the only thing that was in my hand: the Jade Staff.

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Lani and the Beast: Part Six
"Shorry," the mutant Xweetok responded, ducking its head a little, "for shcaring you."

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The Bunker - The Surprise (Part 5)
Blahblahblah! (He sort of has a point, though. Don't you think?)

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