White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 181,174,633 Issue: 433 | 5th day of Running, Y12
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Father to Son

by candycaddy

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Ruler of the Bilge
You have three opponents – Monty, Grimtooth and Deadeye. Your job is to get a higher score than any of them.

by 9shorerd


Awakening: Part Five
The faerie bent down, so the Shoyru could see the scowl on her face. "I don't know what your name is, Prisoner," she growled...

by linda_reincarnated


Watch Your Back

by 0turtle


The Unlucky One: Part Three
"It says that you actually do have a curse, but does it say how to cure it?"

by solcana64

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