The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 181,174,633 Issue: 433 | 5th day of Running, Y12
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Half Price on Bandages?

by wolfishmeow

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Pronunciation Key
It's pronounced BISHH INNNN DIFFF, of course!

by swissical


Awakening: Part Five
The faerie bent down, so the Shoyru could see the scowl on her face. "I don't know what your name is, Prisoner," she growled...

by linda_reincarnated


Jumbo Shrimp: Stone Skipping

Idea by amanda_panda888

by tuenman


Never mess with the "Report to TNT" button... and the Pant Devil's therapist.

Idea by gsklyne

by pacute_2121

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