Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 179,094,997 Issue: 438 | 9th day of Eating, Y12
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Free Fall

by 0turtle

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Daylight's Dirge: Part Three
"Say again?" Fugelce managed. "I thought I heard you say you wanted to take over Neopia."

by kittengriffin


Aquatic Junkology for Newbies
One age old secret of divination seems to go unnoticed today. I speak of course of the ancient and noble art of aquatic junkology.

by mistressego


Rolling Your Way to Victory: Ready To Roll Guide
Our Yooyus are not as fit as they used to be. I bet they can't roll faster than a Slorg can swim. We need them to be fit and strong for this year's Altador Cup.

by marwanshah_13


How To Turn Your Neopet Into A Princess
How to make your favorite pet into a princess without spending a single neopoint.

by sooooocute5

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