Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 179,088,154 Issue: 437 | 2nd day of Eating, Y12
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by buizelmaniac

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Moustache Protection- Seven Things you Must Avoid
For many pets it is a mere fantasy, but all long to achieve it. Dynasties have fallen due to the lack of one, and those who are blessed with it, flaunt it proudly to anybody they meet.

by macana


Number 400: Part Two
All this while I kept thinking to myself, I can't die now! I have to find Paria! I have to know what's happened to her!

by fallingrain05


Scarlet Shadow: A Knight's Reckoning - Part Four
"You and I," Jeran stated, "have been selected to accompany a certain heir to the throne..."

by kathleen_kate


Surviving April Fools Day - Tricks of the Trade
Oh, April Fool's Day — the classic time of the year where mischief is in the air. Have you ever been pranked by one of your friends?

by rtt53

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