Meow Circulation: 179,088,154 Issue: 437 | 2nd day of Eating, Y12
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Best Dressed

by doomsays_

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The Remarkable Rainbow
"Well, logically there is no possible way for a rainbow to be here without any sunlight. Yet there is always a rainbow, no matter what the weather is..."

by amysmother_8


Scaredy-cat's Guide to Surviving the Fool's Day
The 1st of April is here, and all of the Neopians prepare for it in their own special way.

by chilly888


The Complete Beginner's Guide to NC Trading
Did your neopet recently see an NC item they just had to have, but then you couldn't find it in the mall? Or are your pets' closets full of old items they just don't want to wear anymore?

by horsecrazyirishgirl


The Secret Diary of a Double Agent
Yes, I am aware that I'm breaking the most basic rule of being a Double Agent by writing anything down. But to be honest...

by nimras23

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