Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 179,262,770 Issue: 440 | 23rd day of Eating, Y12
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Uhm: We made it!

by leobart

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Great stories!


Tracking Down a Bloodline: Part One
"Are they still after us?" Garin asked. Jacques looked behind him at the guards who were following them.

"Yep. And they look as mad as ever!"

by medit92


Blumaroo: Right For You?
Why you should be choosing to adopt a Blumaroo as your pet.

by blackfriar


Werelupe Chronicles: The Search - Part Two
They were in Werelupe Forest.

So why weren't there any Werelupes?

by dragon_soul__


Ghoti Goatee
It's Ghoti, not Goatee...

by 22ginabelle

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