The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 179,513,175 Issue: 443 | 14th day of Hunting, Y12
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Uh... Help?

by 0turtle

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The Conspiracy: Part Two
"This knife was never meant to cut anything," he said grimly. "The edges are even blunter than the tip. I think it must be poisoned."

by jokerhahaazzz


The Truth About King Skarl
What can you do?

Also by crepe14

by airlineer


Boochi strikes... and the UC pets strike back!
Featuring hottendott's lovely Poogle, placanta

by dragonsflame_uk


A History of Maraqua; The City of a Thousand Fish
An in-depth history of Maraqua, and a bunch of good reasons to choose Maraqua during the Cup. Not much time left now!

by kieronstoff

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