Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 190,868,778 Issue: 448 | 18th day of Relaxing, Y12
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When Worms Revolt...

by geckobubbles

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Nifty- Owners and Customization
The phrase 'doting parent' doesn't even describe this.

by kakashiluva


The Conspiracy: Part Seven
It was Cecilia's unpleasant duty to inform Lockwood that she was leaving. "So soon?" he exclaimed, and she was gratified to hear a note of genuine regret in his voice.

by jokerhahaazzz


So You Want to Be a Slushie Slinger!
Help Wanted: A fast, efficient and cheerful Neopet to work the Slushie Stand at the Altador Cup.

Also by ecaligiu

by sailorini_1


Meepits vs Feepits... Vs Dr. Sloth: Part Nine
Fyora gazed around Dr. Sloth's private room in amazement. The whole room seemed to be in chaos, especially his sock drawer...

Also by shirahli

by orlando_bloom_bigfan

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