The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 180,456,195 Issue: 449 | 25th day of Relaxing, Y12
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Good Idea Bad Idea

by kittytoes

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This vs. That: Neocash Item Comparisons
There are lots and lots of Neocash items out there. So many, in fact, that some have doppelgangers of sorts.

by crazy_holly_ii


Altador Cup Follies
Roo Island vs. Maraqua

by bolddrake


Mynci Shirts
They're rainbow! They're fabulous! They're...

by leetmango


Fashion Fever - That Horrible Disease
There was only one Acara in all of Neopia that thought that she was more beautiful than Princess Fernypoo, and that was saying quite a lot.

by weepingwillowy

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