Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 180,456,195 Issue: 449 | 25th day of Relaxing, Y12
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by pixi__dust

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The Pets In The Basement
The basement was dank and dreary with fungus oozing between cracks in the walls, and unpleasant dripping noises...

by ballerinafaerie


Secrets of the Space Necklace: Part Four
"Now, darlings, try to stay calm," Miss Van Sparkleton said as she lit her lantern. Her voice sounded very shaky. "I'm sure the crashing sound was just the wind."

by downrightdude


The Case of the Poisoned Quill: Part five
It wasn't just any venom...

by pacmanite


Coltzan IV and the Not-So-Brilliant Bet: Part Three
"How long are we just going to sit here?" Coltzan complained. Even hiding in the shade of the pyramid didn't cool the sweat on his back.

by meggierules2129

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