Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 190,868,778 Issue: 448 | 18th day of Relaxing, Y12
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At the Altador Cup

by autotune

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Vonde Cayle: the Brightest Star of the Desert
Ladies and gentlemen, Altador Cup fans of Neopia, here comes Vonde Cayle, the brightest star of the desert.

by aeriel7


Nitri Cassale's New Hairstyle
I love it!

by tigris_love


Revert: Fads
Tomorrow she might be into space-pirates... again...

by charybdis7


48 Ways to Use a Gnome
Are they simply ceramic or wooden pieces of art, meant to sit on your lawn and guard your roses? Or are they more....?

by angiebeaudion

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