teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 180,823,044 Issue: 450 | 2nd day of Swimming, Y12
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Presents From Above

by marymao

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Great stories!


Team Squad Force: Protectors of Altador
What dire lengths will our heroes go to to protect the Cup?

by fish_puddle


Pans House (Fire Face)
Nothing worse than a Fire Yooyu to the face!

by poesidious


Once Upon an Attic
"You look troubled," said the Krawk when she opened the door. "Perhaps I can be of assistance..."

by micrody


An Interview With the DORKS of Kreludor
I luckily received a chance to interview all five of the members of Team Kreludor. Let's start with Captain and Left Defender, Derlyn Fonnet.

by masonsbackyay

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