Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 181,914,076 Issue: 458 | 27th day of Hiding, Y12
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Tchea Slushie Two: How Embarrassing

by manga_wolf

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Kougras & You
Welcome to my guide to Kougras, the best neopet ever!

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Neopian Neophyte - Usukicon
Usuki Paint Brushes can be highly misleading.

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It was an idyllic day in Neovia. Then again, the standards for an "idyllic day" in Neovia may have been slightly different than the standards elsewhere...

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The Story of Zeirn
Zeirn the Red Kougra was currently curled up on a hammock under a blue blanket, shivering with fear. Every time the lightning struck or the thunder rumbled, he would flinch...

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