Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 182,656,520 Issue: 459 | 3rd day of Gathering, Y12
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Onion Head

by winter_dusk

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Five Reasons to Feed your Pets
Hungry pets look sad. I think you should not let your pets be sad if you can avoid it.

by y_fyora_m


Neoschool Hot Lunch: What's in the __________?
The lunch lady shrugs and says, "Beats me. I'm just being paid to throw it on your tray."

by st83_star174


Wishing You Well
Wake up!

by yaksrcewl


How The Buzzler Got Its Light
"NO!" Gargarox shouted angrily. "Quit sending inferior help and this won't happen!"

by scarletscorchio

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