Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 182,428,743 Issue: 462 | 24th day of Gathering, Y12
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Neopian Neophyte - Baby Daddy

by leedom111

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Not the Best Petpetpet
A breebly!

by _sebis_


One Wish
Abigail was afraid of the sea, and, despite the ironic fact that her Neohome was planted directly on the beach, she never set foot on the sand. However, Jane was the exact opposite, and loved the sea, devoting every waking moment by the ocean.

by rachelray179


Which Neopian Land Best Suits You?
Are you a first time neohome buyer having trouble deciding which Neopian land to settle down in?

by kierron10


The Prophecy Faeries 2: Imagen's Revenge - Part Eight
"Claire was right," Bernadette said to herself. "Imagen saw us, and he's afraid we're going to attack the castle. They're preparing for some kind of invasion."

by alex313

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