Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 182,428,743 Issue: 462 | 24th day of Gathering, Y12
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Greetings! # 1

by starcinnamon

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The Bunker - The Makeover (Part 3)
Too much pink. :P

by hubadawaha


An Un-Originally Named Guide to Sakhmet Solitaire
You can actually get two different trophies for Sakhmet Solitaire...

by amicaverbi


For the Lulz - House
Brought to you by the Mr. Insane school of interior design.

by mooseydoom101


Seeded: Part Three
Three light faeries in long black robes walked around the pot, throwing in herbs and ingredients that landed into the bubbling brew with plops and hisses.

by vanessa1357924680

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