Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 182,181,004 Issue: 461 | 17th day of Gathering, Y12
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by irishpoet

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Famous -- New Clothes Part 1
Where did Cereais get those new clothes? Read and find out.

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Seeded: Part Two
Welcome to the Faerieland Library. The words floated into her head with a magical lilt, friendly and soft. What is it you are seeking?

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Magmaic Medallion
There was once a small cloud JubJub named Ippleswitch. Every little detail about him was ordinary...

by alanbran5


Guide to Healthy Eating for Your Neopets: Part 1
This first guide will give you an idea on what to feed your Neopets so that they can be healthy, all the while saving money.

by ksll567

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