Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 182,181,004 Issue: 461 | 17th day of Gathering, Y12
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Silly Tales!

by spudcake133

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Great stories!


Struck by Darkness
Keiro the Glowing Bruce was strolling confidently along the main street of the Neopian Marketplace on a clear, dark night, with not a fear in the world.

by burning_shadows_79


Milk and Cookie Visit the Healing Springs
In a cosy cottage by the sea in the land of Meridell lived Milk and Cookie.

by vendince


Sylfio's Ice Cream Sodas
"Sylfio," they'll say, "do you think your dairy origins give you a certain affinity for ice cream? And for that matter—how did you become chocolate?"

by emrozi


Chocolatey Obsession
What really goes on inside a chocolate factory?

by iced_cookie1

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