Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 186,904,155 Issue: 465 | 15th day of Collecting, Y12
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Never Withdraw Neopoints Too Many Times a Day

by silvergullmon77

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Thanks for the Memories
"Hey, you ready for the big move?" I was just as excited as he was; Mystery Island sounded so cool.

by pippin_me


You CAN Customize With Neopoints!
Does your pet go trick-or-treating? If so, then she'll need one of these!

by crazy_holly_ii


The Stone Truth
Two Neopets users were discussing...

Also by sarcasticdeath

by vampirebunny18


The House on the Hill: Part One
Most of the stories of Werelupes and wicked faeries roaming the forest were just that — stories — but every once in a while, they turned out to be true, and even the most fearless denizens of the Woods weren't willing to take such a risk.

by izziemushroom

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