For an easier life Circulation: 184,475,300 Issue: 467 | 29th day of Collecting, Y12
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One Fish, Two Fish

by fish_puddle

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Surviving the Season: Tricky Treats
Originally Halloween was a time feared by many and celebrated by the evil few. But now it is become a silly holiday.

by neom_777


Fangtastic Meals for a Halloween Party!
Deciding what to serve at your party can be a tough decision; you want a few choices so even the pickiest guest can find something they love.

by xoxkar


Ash's Great Prank
"It's a tradition," Ash explained as she dug through the box. "Every Halloween I try to pull a prank on him."

by solcana64


Haunted Woods Exploration – Spooky Fauna
Join me in the Haunted Woods, where I will explore the fauna found deep in creepy dark forests and fearsome graveyards!

by petitehirondelline

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