A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 184,475,300 Issue: 467 | 29th day of Collecting, Y12
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POTTY -Halloween Edition-

by highwind20

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All in a Day's Work
It's either astounding desperation or Halloween creativity, or both.

by _razcalz_


Illusions of Grandeur: Part One
"Mother says Father's ghost is asking after me." I folded the letter carefully before replacing it in the envelope. "Seeing as I lived there for years after we buried him and he never appeared, I have my suspicions."

by kittengriffin


Hip Halloween Habits
Does your pet want to look unique this Halloween? Help them stand out in the sea of Fyoras and Dr. Sloths!

Also by akikins

by valikthebuilder


The Secret of Geraptiku: Part Seven
"Don't worry," Milk said out loud, as if trying to convince himself. "We'll get her somehow..."

by xaetear

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