teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 184,475,300 Issue: 467 | 29th day of Collecting, Y12
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Costume Confusion

by chikolina

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History of the Vampire: Part One
Lessee walked confidently down the dark, dusty path through the Woods. Venue padded silently behind her, clasping his hands together nervously.

by dragon_imaginer


The Stranger on Tigermouse Terrace
Everyone knows everyone else. Gossip spreads fast. And strangers are not welcome.

by rhosymedre


Oh to be Scary! Part 5
Time is running out - will Snugglepluffs achieve his goal and become scary? Thanks for reading and Happy Halloween! :)

Story by starluff

by yampuff


Make sure you always check your treats before you eat them!

by umbreon133

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