A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 183,173,032 Issue: 472 | 3rd day of Celebrating, Y12
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The Goofers

by lintsuf

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Paper Aeroplanes: Misinterpretation
Misinterpreted words of wisdom

by naominzk


Titanuis and the Invisible Pyramid
Titanuis had spent the rest of the day in his bedroom reading and looking at maps. There were stories about an invisible pyramid that was only visible the moment when the sun rose and set...

by vendince


Common Misconceptions: Capping Minons
Kenichi is my Kacheek and Kimisetsu is my Mynci also shown here. And YAY, 1st time in the NT!

by pragmatic1


Trading Up: Part Two
As a result of Molly's excitement they got to the pound very promptly, and encountered only a very short line at the receptionist's desk. Well, a few dozen people– short by pound standards.

by yourstar_142

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