Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 183,437,693 Issue: 474 | 17th day of Celebrating, Y12
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Woodland Pteris

by partner105

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The Off Season: Interview
"Come on! Don't you know how much these suits cost?"

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5


The Most Wonderful Time of the Year...?: Part Two
What would her friend say now? So you saved him from the Pound, only to, not even a year and a half later, dump him there yourself? I trusted you with him, Phersephi!

by thediractor


Seriously, man, that was like 80k!

by spoofbuzz


The Reawakening of the MSPP
Now come on in, don't be afraid. 'Though, you probably should be. Oh well, nothing I could do about it now – they've seen you entering, so it's certainly too late now.

by nachtregen

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