Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 183,437,693 Issue: 474 | 17th day of Celebrating, Y12
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Flapjacks - Evil Plushies

by geckobubbles

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A Beginner's Guide to Snack Safekeeping
Inspired by my life as a middle child.

by honshusan


Hot Herb Tea and a Happy Ending: Part Eight
It was impending destiny.

by ellbot1998


Ninja Faellie Diaries: Part Two
"Then why did you leave a decoy in your bed?" Chris asked, holding up the pink Doglefox plushie. "You were trying to make me think you were still asleep!"

by luna4400


A Colour-Blind Christmas 1 of 2
Now in frostbite inducing colour!

by subzeroace

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