Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 183,842,220 Issue: 475 | 23rd day of Celebrating, Y12
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A Paraphernalic Christmas

by hidden_sapphire

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Great stories!


I'll be Home for Christmas: Part Three
Jhin woke up with a start. Her nightmares were getting worse and worse.

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Peppered Reality: Xmas Special
Wish lists can really tell a lot about a character's personality...

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Holiday Treats!
A list of the most mouthwatering and delicious baked goods, and holiday drinks you can serve at your holiday celebrating!

by xoxkar


The Day of Giving Fiasco
"Gah! Seriously?! Could this day get any worse?" Evinti yelled. Apparently the world took that rhetorical comment as an invitation...

by gold_fang

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