Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 183,975,322 Issue: 479 | 28th day of Sleeping, Y13
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It Takes Skill

by qutgrl7

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Chat smilies confuse me.

by feeshifeeshi


For the Lulz - Nutrition
Consider the nutritional values when choosing a snack.

by mooseydoom101


Bottled Beauty: Part Two
"Someone posted a pretty list," Milo said, ignoring my science prompt. "Top ten prettiest girls in the school."

"Wooow," I said. "How shallow can people be?"

by vanessa1357924680


Before the Tale: Part One
"THAT WAS INCREDIBLE!" Jaycee screamed as they were swept out of the Concert Hall by the throng of avid music fans.

by tanikagillam

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