Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 184,867,923 Issue: 483 | 25th day of Awakening, Y13
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Time Wasters - Barber Shop

by buppity

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My Tyrannian Doglefox
Look what I found!

by evaniab


Size is Everything
Hee hee hee!

Concept by kulasjeika

by dragonsflame_uk


Sophie versus The Next Generation
One of his key strategies was to bend the truth to however he saw fit. It had worked for quite a while, but then Mr. Peterson had made the mistake of messing with Sophie the Swamp Witch.

by a_greenparrot


Feng Shui for Habitariums
When applied to Habitarium arrangement, Feng Shui focuses on the placement of buildings and decorative objects to achieve a Habitarium which is both aesthetically pleasing and gives greater control over the behavior of your P3s.

by dragonlover8560

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