For an easier life Circulation: 184,867,935 Issue: 484 | 4th day of Running, Y13
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An Apple a Day...

by _agile_cat

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Picture Perfect!

by bartongkillershrimp


The Discover of the Meridell Rubbish Dump
Randy the Kacheek was certainly no rich Kacheek. In fact, he was quite the opposite.

by 13snip3r7


The Snow Princess: A Terror Mountain Tale - Part Three
The prince walked towards his princess, to tell her of this dreadful news. "My Lady, I have received word of our homeland..."

by bluecloud300


Lady Sandstorm: Part Five
"So that way must be the room that fills with water! It's down a flight of stairs. Tomos and I fell in there, and then we went that way – so that way must be the library we found!"

by saphira_27

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