A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 184,867,935 Issue: 484 | 4th day of Running, Y13
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Chance of Rain- Codestone

by mizumew

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Bottled Beauty: Part Seven
I had fled to the one place in the Lost Desert I knew I would be alone: the shallow river beyond Coltzan’s shrine.

by vanessa1357924680


Six Names, Six Lives, Six Owners, One Terrible Tale: Part Five
Finally, a nurse came into Reijo's room. "Honey," she said to me with one of those fake-o nurse smiles. "Your other brother would like to see you."

by ilovcanis



by sharkies


Two World Travelers - Mystery Island
In honor of the Gadgadsbogen Festival, today we're taking a look at the best Mystery Island has to offer.

Also by neveahsgates

by oobajooba

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